Why does the papilloma itch or itch?


More than 70% of the population are carriers of human papillomavirus infection, but not everyone has characteristic cutaneous neoplasms. HPV can remain latent in the body for a long time, but with a decrease in immunity, it activates, and papillomas, condylomas or warts appear on the body.

Most papillomas are safe, the only discomfort is a cosmetic skin defect. But in some cases, neoplasms can itch – for some people for a short time, and someone for a long time can not cope with an unpleasant sensation. You need to understand that the presence of itching is not the norm, so you should understand the reasons for it.

Why is it itchy papilloma

Typical skin growths can appear on any part of the body, but most often they are found in the armpits, on the neck and genitals. Usually such benign neoplasms do not cause unpleasant symptoms, but if the papilloma itches, there can be several reasons.Why does the papilloma itch or itch?

  1. Prolonged squeezing, frequent friction of the growth as a result of wearing tight clothing made of synthetic fabrics or massive jewelry injure the papilloma, causing irritation and itching. Sometimes unpleasant sensations can occur due to the use of household chemicals or some antiperspirants.
  2. Lack of hygiene is a common provocateur of itching. In human biological fluids (genital secretions, sweat) there are caustic substances that, with prolonged contact with the skin, provoke irritation.
  3. HPV in the active phase is the most dangerous condition. If the papilloma itches for a long time, this may indicate the spread of infection and even the possible malignancy of the growth.


Some papillomas have a high degree of oncogenicity (degeneration into cancer), so timely diagnosis of the disease can save your life.

Chronic diseases can also cause itching. So, the presence of diabetes mellitus with the slightest damage to the growth (for example, minimal friction) provokes severe irritation and causes itching. But if, in addition to this papilloma, a trip to the doctor begins to change, and even more so trying to cope with the problem on your own, you can’t – the risk of malignancy is high.

Papilloma itches – a sign of rebirth

There are more than 100 types of HPV and nearly a third of them are carcinogenic. If a simple infection affects only the cell cavity, then a high-risk virus enters the nucleus itself and provokes a mutation (reprograms DNA). After the introduction, atypical division of skin cells and the production of oncogenic protein occur.Why does the papilloma itch or itch?

A strong immune system slows down the process of rebirth, but as soon as a failure occurs, the virus activates, and the risk of malignancy increases. One sign of a precancerous condition may be itching, but there are other symptoms besides this:

  • The neoplasm is growing rapidly;
  • There is constant soreness;
  • The growth changes color (usually darkens, becoming almost black);
  • At the site of localization appears inflammation, swelling;
  • The surface of the papilloma may crack, becomes rough or tuberous;
  • Exudation, bleeding, suppuration is possible;
  • Condylomatosis of the genital organs is accompanied by abundant genital secretions with an unpleasant odor.

In addition, rapid growth of the growth can be observed with subsequent self-rejection.


Growing and itchy papilloma is subject to immediate removal with subsequent histological examination. Do not try to deal with the problem yourself.

If the papillomas itch, but there are no other symptoms, you can neutralize the itching using improvised medications.

How to get rid of itching yourself

Recommendation – before proceeding with any manipulations, coordinate your actions with your doctor.

  1. Owners of sensitive skin prone to irritation should choose clothing made from natural fabrics that is well ventilated and free. Synthetic materials do not allow air to pass through well, as a result of which sweat builds up, the friction of clothes on the skin increases, the result is irritation, itching.
  2. Lotions, compresses from infusions of medicinal herbs have a soothing, antipruritic effect. As a rule, take 1 tbsp. l plants, pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist until cool. For such purposes, camomile, calendula, mint, and a string are well suited.Lotions for itching
  3. It relieves itching and has the bactericidal effect of alcoholic extract of calendula. You can make it yourself – pour 10 grams of raw materials into a bottle with 70% alcohol. Put insist 14 days, then strain. Use several times a day (wipe affected areas).
  4. Propolis ointment or tincture will also help relieve itching and irritation. Apply the fabric soaked in the product to the affected area, after 10 minutes the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.
  5. Treat irritated skin with a decoction of bay leaf. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 3 large laurels, simmer over low heat until the amount of water decreases in the widow. After removing the broth, add boiled water into it (exactly as much as boiled over) and use three times a day (more often).

In addition, you can use medications for external use, which have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects, for example, Akriderm, Mesoderm, Nezulin, and others.

But what if, in addition to the itch of the papilloma, it began to change – urgently go to the doctor, you can’t do without medical help.

What to do if the growth itches and grows

If itching appeared for no apparent reason, and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you must visit a doctor – there is a high risk of malignancy of the growth.Why does the papilloma itch or itch?

After the diagnosis, the doctor most likely recommends removing the neoplasm with a subsequent examination of the obtained biomaterial for the presence of cancer cells.

If there is a suspicion that papilloma is a high oncogenic risk, removal is carried out in the following ways:

  • Surgical excision – The neoplasm is removed along with a small area of ​​healthy tissue. When confirming the diagnosis of cancer, repeat the intervention with a deeper excision;
  • Laser destruction – the method is most often used to remove papillomas, condylomas and other growths of a benign and malignant nature. In this case, the size and localization of the neoplasm does not matter. The laser beam removes the papilloma without a trace, the doctor controls the depth of exposure, the risk of infection is minimal;
  • Radio wave removal – the procedure is carried out by the non-contact method, by exposure to radio waves. The risk of blood loss and infection is minimal. The only negative – it does not apply to relatively large papillomas.

If the diagnosis confirms the absence of malignant cells, the growth can be removed using the cryodestruction method (freezing with liquid nitrogen), electrocoagulation, or using aggressive chemicals.

Along with this, the patient is prescribed immunostimulating and antiviral therapy. After recovery, regular medical monitoring is necessary to avoid relapse.

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Human papillomavirus (HPV)
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