Surgical removal of papillomas


Most patients who seek medical help with skin neoplasms deal specifically with papillomas. These growths are deployed on the neck, face, limbs, and in the axillary region.

Papilloma is in most cases a benign formation of viral etymology. Outwardly resembles a papilla on a thin “leg”. The color of the growth usually coincides with the shade of the epithelium. A characteristic feature of papilloma is its unhurried growth.

The cause of papillomatosis is infection with HPV (human papillomavirus). Penetrating into the human body, papillomavirus integrates into the DNA of epithelial cells, provoking their proliferation.

There are two ways to get HPV:

  • Contact (direct contact with the problem area);
  • Household (use of general hygiene products).

Despite the fact that in most cases papilloma is a purely cosmetic problem, it can cause its “owner" a lot of trouble, especially in case of inflammation, trauma, proliferation or attachment of a secondary infection.

Which doctor treats papillomas?

After detecting an unwanted growth on the body, the question arises of who to contact for advice? Who removes papillomas – surgeon or dermatologist? Where to start treatment?Examination by a dermatologist

It is best to consult a dermatologist. He will examine the neoplasm, prescribe additional studies, give a conclusion on the need for conservative or radical treatment.

If a dermatologist advises resorting to radical therapy, he will redirect the patient to a surgeon.

Typically, the surgeon offers several methods for removing the growth:

  • Cryodestruction;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Laser destruction;
  • Radiosurgery;
  • Surgical excision.

Surgical removal of papillomas

Surgical operation is prescribed in case of:

  1. Suspicions of the degeneration of education into an oncological tumor;
  2. The growth of papillomas;
  3. Lack of results of a radiosurgical, laser or cryodestructive method.

Despite the fact that surgical removal of growths is one of the oldest methods, its successful application today is due to its affordable cost and high performance. At the risk of malignancy, excision with a scalpel becomes the patient's chance of recovery, as it prevents the transformation of tumor cells into a cancerous tumor.

Papilloma removal surgery: conducting and rehabilitation

The operation includes several stages:

  1. Before removing the neoplasm, the operating surgeon briefly explains to the patient the algorithm of his actions;
  2. Anesthesia is performed: local or general;
  3. The neoplasm is incised along its border, capturing a small part of healthy skin;
  4. Sutures are placed on the site of the removed formation.Remote neoplasm

If malignancy is suspected, the excised tissue is sent for histological examination. Its results are known on the seventh to tenth day after surgery. When confirming the oncogenicity of the formation, inpatient treatment is carried out.


How painful is surgical excision of papillomas – this issue is of interest to many patients. During the operation, you will not feel pain, as it is performed using local anesthesia. General anesthesia is used in case of:

  • Large growths;
  • Localization of growths on the face or head;
  • Operating babies.

In place of the cut papilloma, a small scar remains.

Indications for the operation

Opt for a surgical method of getting rid of skin defects can:

  • A sharp increase in education;
  • Change in shape or color;
  • Suspicion of malignancy of papilloma cells;
  • The presence of contraindications to the use of another destructive technique.


All contraindications to the surgical method of treating papillomas are relative, so the operation can simply be temporarily postponed until they disappear. Such contraindications include:

  • Herpetic eruptions;
  • Acute respiratory disease;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Postoperative care

The surgical method is characterized by the longest and most responsible period of rehabilitation among all methods of getting rid of skin defects. Depending on the size, structure, and location of the formation, the time for complete recovery ranges from several days to several weeks. A responsible attitude to postoperative care will preserve not only beauty, but also health. To do this, you need:

  • Exclude prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • Wait for spontaneous rejection of the crust;
  • Do not wet the wound for seven days;
  • Reduce the load (when plantar growths are removed) to prevent bleeding;
  • Keep clean the damaged skin area.

Advantages and disadvantages of the surgical method

When choosing a method for reducing unwanted neoplasms, it is important to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. The following advantages of surgical treatment of neoplasms can be noted:

  • Efficiency – one procedure is enough to remove the largest growth;
  • Low probability of new rashes;
  • Medical control is a guarantee of the safety of manipulations;
  • Low cost makes this method affordable for patients with different incomes;Scar after surgery

The main disadvantage of surgical removal of papillomas is the formation of scars, the size of which corresponds to the size of the formation. Another disadvantage of this treatment is a long recovery period.

Patient Reviews

Positive feedback from patients is due to the choice of the clinic and the professional level of the clinic staff. Do not trust surgery to beauty salons or try to cut the papilloma on your own. This can cause severe complications up to the transformation of growth cells into a malignant formation.

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Human papillomavirus (HPV)
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