Papillomas on the head and in the hair. How to delete them?


Many papillomas in the hair on their heads seem to be just an unpleasant cosmetic defect that interferes with combing. Injury to a benign neoplasm by a comb is always painful and the wounds received, when pathogenic microorganisms enter them, become inflamed, causing severe discomfort to a person.

But in addition to the infection, there are 2 more main troubles: a significant increase in the tumor in size and malignant degeneration of tissues.

Information to think about before starting self-medication

According to statistics, 9 out of 10 people, having detected the appearance of papillomas on their heads, will not seek the help of a dermatologist, but will try to get rid of a cosmetic defect on their own. But, before self-medicating, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following information:

  • Papilloma on the scalp is a sign of a weakened immune system. Papillomatosis virus is common in everyday life, but infection occurs only when the immune system is weakened (chronic diseases, oncology, etc.). Such growths are most dangerous in childhood due to the fact that during the growth process the hormonal background changes in the child and this can provoke the transition of a benign neoplasm to a malignant one or provoke infection of other parts of the body.
  • The warty growths on the scalp are diverse (they may look like polyps on the legs or massive flat growths) and may appear not only due to papillomatosis. There are no specific external pathologies, therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis, otherwise all therapeutic measures may be inconclusive.Large papilloma on the head

Incorrectly selected therapy can also be dangerous because the means used will damage the hair follicle and provoke the appearance of bald patches in the hair.

Dermatologists note that early treatment allows you to prevent the growth of tumors and reduce the risk of malignant degeneration of cells. But treatment should be carried out under medical supervision, alternative methods of eliminating papillomas can relieve the external manifestations of the disease, but the papillomatosis virus will remain in the body and may cause a relapse of the disease.

Drug therapy

For papillomas on the head, treatment should be comprehensive. The therapy includes:

  • The use of antiviral agents. For small neoplasms, such drugs as Iodinol, Salicylic ointment or Panavir are enough. The composition of these external funds includes substances that help suppress the virus and accelerate cell regeneration. With multiple papillomatosis, ingestion of specific antiviral drugs is indicated (the medicine is selected by dermatologists after immunological tests).
  • The use of anti-inflammatory drugs. This is necessary if the papilloma of the scalp has signs of inflammation. The medicine is selected depending on the type of pathogen that provoked the inflammatory process (antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral).
  • Restorative therapy. To increase immunity, patients are prescribed a course of vitamins and fortifying agents, and treatment of exacerbations of chronic diseases is additionally carried out.

In case of small neoplasms, one can limit oneself to conservative therapy, but dermatologists often recommend the removal of papillomas on the head in the hair.


The main indication for surgical intervention will be:

  • Large size of the neoplasm (more than 10 mm);
  • The risk of developing cancer processes (some strains of papillomovirus can degenerate into a malignant form);
  • Inconvenient location (even a small papilloma on the back of the head due to the peculiarities of localization is often injured during sleep or when combing).

In addition to specific indications, removal of papillomas on the head can be performed at the request of the patient, this is especially true if a cosmetic defect is located in the visible area.Laser papilloma removal

You can remove a benign growth by several methods:

  • Cryo-freezing. With the help of liquid nitrogen, pathologically overgrown cells are frozen, they die and fall away. With large growths, several procedures must be done to remove the roots of the papilloma. There is no discomfort during the procedure, but painful discomfort may occur after it. It is considered the most affordable and inexpensive method of treatment, but after it the destruction of the hair bulb may occur.
  • Laser therapy. Under the action of a laser beam, the cytoplasm of pathological cells “evaporates”, and the virus is destroyed. The procedure is considered less traumatic and one session is enough to eliminate the growth. A small drawback of laser therapy is that it is carried out mainly in private clinics and is expensive.
  • Electrocoagulation. Under local anesthesia, an electric impulse is applied to the wart. This action ensures the cessation of the innervation and blood supply to the growth, after which it dries up and is rejected by the body (if rejection does not occur for a long time, then surgical removal of the dried element is performed).
  • Radio waves. The method of exposure of high-frequency radio waves to a specific area of ​​the skin has been little studied, and is not often used. Its main advantages are painlessness and low injuries: not only on the scalp, but also on the eyelid, you can remove the wart and there will be no ugly mark.

All these methods of eliminating a benign neoplasm are effective, and the decision depends on the availability of the method. Not everywhere there is the possibility of using such less traumatic methods of treatment as radio waves and laser therapy.

After successful removal of the skin growth, the patient is prescribed a course of antiviral therapy and a means to increase immunity. This is necessary to prevent relapse of the disease.

Home remedies

There are many ways to remove the papilloma at home. But all means of traditional medicine should be used as a supplement to drug therapy.

You can apply:

  • Garlic. Mix garlic gruel with any cream 1: 2 and apply as a compress to the wart. The use of such compresses will help to dry the neoplasm and suppress the activity of the virus.
  • Bow. The method of application is the same as for garlic. The advantage of onion compresses is that the vegetable does not have a pungent odor and can be used for daily treatment (this is important for a person who is being treated and at the same time is engaged in labor activity).
  • Kalonchoe leaves. The leaves of the plant are peeled and applied to the growth (recommended to fix with a band-aid). Long-term exposure to Kalanchoe juice destroys the papillomatosis virus and contributes to the drying of pathologically overgrown cells.

To eliminate skin irritation and prevent infection, it is recommended to use decoctions and infusions of chamomile, string or calendula. Infusions should be rubbed into the scalp or wiped, and decoctions are recommended to be used to rinse hair after washing or for daily washing.Onions and garlic against papillomas

Papilloma on the head is not only a cosmetic defect, it is dangerous due to the risk of secondary infection and the possibility of an oncological process. Those who think that it is stupid to contact a dermatologist about a wart that appears in the hair or on the face should re-read the information about the risk of self-treatment proposed at the beginning of the article.

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Human papillomavirus (HPV)
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