Papilloma in the nose, inverted nasal cavity and its treatment


Papillomas include formations on the skin that appear as a result of infection with papillomavirus. This pathology is considered a common disease and is diagnosed in every second inhabitant of the planet. Often, the human papillomavirus (HPV) enters the body in childhood and does not have any symptoms for a long period of time. A possible manifestation of infection is the occurrence of growths in the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses.

At the first stage of development, the neoplasm has a benign character. However, it has a high growth rate and tends to transform into a cancerous tumor.


In the presence of papilloma in the nose, a person often has no obvious symptoms. This can lead to a significant increase in neoplasms, both in size and quantity. Specialists identify the most common signs of the disease:

  • Difficulties in breathing caused by obstruction. It becomes difficult to breathe or one of the nostrils completely loses its main function;

Papilloma in the nose

  • Violation of the secretion glands, accompanied by mucous secretions;
  • Nasal congestion leads to a lack of oxygen and headaches;
  • Bleeding at the sites of papillomas;
  • Swelling of the nasal cavity and the manifestation of sinusitis;
  • In the presence of growths in two nostrils, often a complete or partial loss of smell occurs;
  • In case of untimely treatment, the growths spread to other areas and impair their function (for example, hearing loss);
  • Blockage of the lacrimal canals leads to regular lacrimation.

In addition, with the influence of neoplasms on the infraorbital nerve, there is numbness of the skin of the cheek.

At the initial stage of their growth, a person feels itching, tingling, burning and dryness in the nose.


Depending on the characteristics of growth and location, papillomas of inverted and exophytic growth are distinguished.

The mucous membrane of the nasal membrane and sinuses is otherwise called the Schneider membrane, in honor of the scientist who studied the structure of its tissues. Neoplasms emerging from the cells of this membrane have a distinctive feature – they grow inside the mucous membrane. For this reason, the papilloma was called inverted, that is, inverted. Visually, it resembles a polyp with high density and granularity. The color of the growths varies from pink to rich red. Usually inverted papilloma of the nasal cavity appears in the elderly, and has a high risk of developing into oncology.

Exophytic formations externally have the shape of tubercles and are hard to the touch. So, mushroom-shaped or transitional-cell papilloma is considered the most common among middle-aged patients. It is usually diagnosed on the nasal septum. A rare case is its placement on both sides. On closer inspection, the neoplasm resembles a wart or cauliflower.

Unlike the inverted papillomas, such a growth rarely grows into a malignant tumor. After removal of relapse does not occur.Neoplasm on the nose

Schneider's oncocytic papilloma is classified as a rare formation that is localized on the side walls in the nose and maxillary cavity. It develops both singly and as a whole group. There is a high risk that the growth may re-grow after treatment. If you do not get rid of this type of papilloma in a timely manner, then in 25% of cases, it develops into a cancerous tumor.


The only factor in the occurrence of papillomas in the nose is HPV of low cancer risk. According to statistics, complications in the form of cancer are detected in 7% of the examined patients. The infection enters the nasal mucosa in two ways:

  1. Contact way. The presence of a build-up on other parts of the body makes it possible to transfer virus particles to the nose when touched by hands. Especially in case of damage to the papilloma.
  2. Airborne droplet. Thus, employees of medical institutions are often ill. In the process of removing papillomas, an atomization of particles containing HPV is created in the air. If the required precautions are not observed, infection occurs.

First, the infection enters the superficial layer of the mucous membrane. It leads cells to enhanced growth and reproduction, forming growths. Subsequently, the virus moves through the nasal passage to the sinuses.

Patient infection can occur due to various circumstances:

  • with kisses or sexually;
  • at home, during shaking hands or touching;
  • as a result of visiting public places (sports sections, swimming pools, saunas or baths) and non-compliance with hygiene standards;
  • due to scratches or abrasions;
  • during hair removal, as well as manicure or pedicure procedures.

The development of papilloma contributes to low immune defense, which is observed at the age of puberty, during the period of gestation, after prolonged depression or illness.

An infected person can be a carrier of infection throughout his life, and completely remove this virus from the body is quite difficult.


Papilloma on the nose can be detected at home. However, most patients do not pay due attention to this pathology, which only leads to an aggravation of the situation. At the first detected symptoms, you should seek help from an ENT specialist – a doctor or dermatologist.

After a visual examination, a history of the disease and a survey, laboratory tests are prescribed:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Test for the identification of pathogens of infectious disease (PCR).
  3. Biopsy and histology of tissues taken from the growth.

To study papillomas located in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, radiography, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography is required. This will allow you to accurately establish the localization of tumors, their size and number.Survey

Also, it is considered important to check the immunological status and the body's ability to resist viral infection.

Based on the tests performed, the attending physician establishes an accurate diagnosis and identifies options that will help fight the disease.


Depending on the type, location and stage of development of papillomas in the nose, adequate treatment methods are selected. The most common ones are:

  1. A liquid nitrogen. This method is also called freezing. Due to the low temperature, the cells freeze, and the growth itself disappears over time.
  2. The use of a laser is considered appropriate if the papillomas are located near the exit from the nasal cavity or on its external part. Its positive qualities include the absence of bleeding during the procedure. However, it does not apply to the removal of multiple formations.
  3. Electrocoagulation or the use of current. This is a painful method in which papilloma cells are exposed to high frequency electricity. A crust formed on the treated area after a few days will disappear on its own.
  4. Surgitron. Its essence is to cut the neoplasm using the energy of radio waves. After healing, no scars remain in their place.
  5. An open surgery is performed when the inverted papillomas are removed. After dissection of the nasal cavity, healing takes a long time.

If the lesions are located on the eve of the nose, then treatment manipulations can be done at home, having previously coordinated this issue with the attending physician. To do this, necrotic ointments, solutions, patch or pencils are often used. They allow not only to affect the growth cells, but also have antiviral properties.

Among folk remedies, celandine, wormwood tincture, vinegar, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide are widely used in removing papillomas. Castor oil also helps burn out viral growths on the face without subsequent scarring.


Superficial removal of papillomas does not guarantee that their re-formation does not occur in a new place. A complete treatment should be aimed at eliminating the infection from the body.


Medical workers argue that it is necessary to remove papillomas on the nose in the near future after their occurrence. This will reduce the risk of damage to growths and further spread of the virus. The most undesirable consequences of this pathology are:

  • the growth of tissues into a cancerous tumor;

Large papilloma in the nose

  • an increase in the number of growths;
  • frequent damage to papillomas, causing bleeding, inflammation of problem areas and getting into the wound of various infections;
  • rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • purulent discharge;
  • in case of late treatment and removal of formations on the visible part of the nose, subsequently there are no aesthetic scars and scars.

Also, as a result of overlapping nasal canal growths, breathing problems often arise.


Late access to medical care and improper self-treatment at home leads to complications and increases the recovery time. To prevent the progression of the disease, some rules should be followed:

  1. Begin treatment, in agreement with the doctor, at the first detection of symptoms of pathology.
  2. Regularly treat wounds after removing growths.
  3. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Pay attention to physical activity, food quality.
  5. Observe good hygiene.
  6. Take vitamins, and prevent the weakening of the immune system.

HPV infection is considered common in modern medicine, and you can get rid of it only with an integrated individual approach.

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Human papillomavirus (HPV)
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