Glatte from fungus. Divorce or truth, reviews, price, composition


On sale there are many drugs with antifungal properties that are made from natural or synthetic components and have varying degrees of effectiveness. From the entire range of antimycotics, Glatte powder can be distinguished. It does not contain hazardous chemicals and easily copes with mycosis at any stage of development. But for it to give a good result, you should learn to use it correctly.

Description of the drug

The tool was developed by German scientists specifically for the treatment of fungal infections of the feet and toenails of any complexity. The manufacturer claims that the complete destruction of the pathogen occurs in 28 days.Glatte from a fungus

Glatte is available in the form of crystalline powder packed in a sachet, which are designed for one application. There are 7 sachets in a cardboard box, and a factory stamp is applied on the front side. The contents of the sachets are intended for the preparation of foot baths. They don’t take him inside.


In addition to the granular form of the drug, the manufacturer offers to purchase a cream for the treatment of a fungus of the same name. It is also used for 28 days, rubbing daily into the part of the body affected by mycosis.


The basis of Glatte includes:

  • Alkaline complex. Softens the coarse layers of the skin, nails, creates an unfavorable environment for the life of most bacteria, including fungi. Cleans surfaces from accumulated dirt, opens pores, stimulates microcirculation of blood and lymph;
  • Pearl powder. A valuable substance, the action of which is aimed at enhancing the regenerative functions of the epidermis and keratin, saturating the tissues with necessary trace elements. He also heals wounds, relieves the inflammatory process accompanying infection with a fungus;
  • Blue clay. A valuable component that removes toxic substances that accumulate due to the activity of the mycosis pathogen from the body. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • Geyser Salts in Karlovy Vary. They contain useful substances, the use of which stimulates blood circulation in the affected areas, the healing of ulcers, cracks and wounds on the feet. They have a powerful antibacterial effect. Penetrating into the deeper layers of tissues, it quickly kills the fungus and its spores;
  • Zeolite. It enhances lymph drainage, purifies the blood from toxins;
  • Crimean pink salt. It is an antiseptic, prevents the attachment of secondary infections, enhances the regeneration of soft tissues, saturates the dermis with essential nutrients.

Pharmacological properties

With regular use of the drug in the second week of therapy, you can notice the following results:Glatte for fungus control

  • the disappearance of itching, peeling, cracking of the skin of the feet, burning in the affected areas;
  • reduction of delamination of the nail plate;
  • improving the condition of the skin and keratin layer;
  • the appearance of a pleasant smell from the legs;
  • softening of skin seals formed as a result of rubbing the feet with shoes (corns, corns);
  • restoration of the protective functions of the skin.

Also, the drug is capable of:

  • prevent secondary infection, which often develops with a running fungus or onychomycosis;
  • strengthen local immunity necessary for more effective treatment and prevention of relapse of the disease;
  • to get rid of the fungus without side effects, since there are no harmful and toxic components in its composition;
  • protect against cracking on the feet.

Instructions for use Glatte from fungus

To prepare a therapeutic solution, it is necessary to heat 2 liters of hot water. The temperature of the liquid should be comfortable for the feet (about 40-43 degrees). Then the contents of one sachet are poured into the container and thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. In the bath, feet drop for 30-40 minutes, after which they are wiped dry. Rinse with clean water is not necessary.Glatte Powder

3 steams should be done per week. In advanced cases of the disease, it is recommended to prepare baths daily. The instructions indicate that the duration of therapy is 28 days, but the results come much earlier. The first improvements are noticeable after 10 days of applying Glatte powder.

Price and Substitutes

It is not yet possible to buy Glatte for legs in a regular pharmacy. It is implemented only on the official website of the manufacturer, which guarantees the uniqueness and originality of the drug. The price of packaging is 990 rubles. Sometimes a company enables consumers to order powder for free. Such promotions are held once every six months.


If it is not possible to order the drug over the Internet, you can use the means with a similar effect:

  • Exolocin. Natural medicine for the treatment of skin fungus and onychomycosis, contains extracts of hemp, cordyceps, tea tree and other plant components. The gel-like consistency of the drug is easily distributed over the epidermis and nail and is quickly absorbed into their structure;


Fungal infections are highly contagious. To protect loved ones from the disease, you must follow the rules of hygiene, use personal slippers, a washcloth, a towel and utensils.

  • Novastep. The basis of the medicine is a beaver stream, mint, celandine and mummy. The listed ingredients relieve nail fungus and foot skin in a short time without harming the body. They relieve the inflammatory process and symptoms of the disease after just a few uses;
  • Mycospore. Bifonazole, which is part of the cream, kills spores even in the deepest layers of dense keratin. It is a safe and inexpensive topical antimycotic;


  • Mycostop. Destroys pathogens of mycosis in 2 weeks. In parallel, it takes care of the affected areas of the legs, accelerates the regeneration of the nail. The composition includes moisturizing and nutritional components – urea and undecylenic acid, glycerin.

Real reviews

Victoria, 27 years old.

Glatte really helps with foot fungus. When she became ill, she found reviews about him on the Internet and decided to check whether it was a hoax or not. After two applications, the skin began to itch less, redness left. Two weeks later, the legs stopped flaking. Now I can say with confidence that not all advertising on the Internet is a divorce.

Anna, 25 years old.

Thanks to honest reviews of Glatte bath powder, it quickly recovered from foot mycosis. I did everything according to the instructions and soon noticed the first improvements. Now it's all over.

Alexander, 38 years old.

After finding a fungus on the nail of his right leg, he began to look for a good, effective medicine. I came across an advertisement from a company that claims to produce a natural quick-acting antifungal drug. Since I am allergic to synthetic drugs, I decided to try it. And he did not regret his choice. After 1.5 weeks of applying the powder, the fungus passed, the nail began to look normal.

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