Facial warts and their treatment


A wart is in most cases a benign neoplasm of a viral nature that looks like a small bump or tubercle. Despite the fact that the wart is usually painless and is solely a cosmetic defect, to not pay attention to it is fundamentally wrong.

The greatest moral discomfort to patients is caused by growths localized on the face. It will not be possible to hide them, and therapy of formations on such delicate skin requires time and patience. During this time, the self-esteem of patients, especially female, drops to zero. To avoid this, it is better not to self-medicate, but to turn to professionals – dermatologists. They have in the arsenal a lot of ways to remove the skin defect quickly and without a trace. But first you need to figure out why the growths appear on the face.

Causes of facial wart

From early childhood, everyone hears many myths about wart growths. Most of them are about frogs that are capable of “sharing” their bumps when close contact. Of course, all this – grandmother’s tales.

Today it is precisely established that the cause of unpleasant defects is the papillomavirus (HPV). Penetrating into the human body through microscopic sores, HPV can hide and not show itself for months or even years. The incubation period of the virus depends on the level of the body’s defenses. The better the human immunity, the longer the papillomavirus is in “sleep” mode.

Activate the virus and cause the appearance of growths can:

  • Acute viral or bacterial disease;
  • Physical and nervous exhaustion;
  • Chronic insomnia;
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • Endocrine disruption;
  • Hormonal restructuring of the body during puberty, pregnancy and lactation;
  • Acute phase of chronic diseases of the stomach;
  • Excessive sweating (especially in puberty and adolescence);
  • Oily skin prone to acne.

There are two ways of human papillomavirus infection:

  1. Contact – in direct contact with the affected skin area;
  2. Household – non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the use of general towels, toothbrushes, washcloths.

As you can see, frogs, as well as their relatives, have nothing in common with warts on their faces. Now that the charges with our smaller brothers have been dropped, and the myths have been dispelled, we now turn to the consideration of varieties of growths.

Defect classification

If there are small bumps on the face that look like warts, what to do and how to clarify what these tumors are? Of course, the ideal solution would be to consult a dermatologist, but if at the present time there is no such possibility, then you can try to determine the neoplasm yourself. Knowing how this or that type of growths looks on the face, its characteristic features, it will not be difficult to do this.

So, allocate:

  • Simple or vulgar growths;
  • Flat or youthful;
  • Keratoses or senile warts;
  • Colorless (white) neoplasms.

Vulgar wart

They resemble small bumps with a horny scaly top layer with a dense structure. Deployed on the face, on the lips. If you look at such a growth from above, you can see a series of villi on an uneven surface. In diameter reach up to 1 centimeter. These are usually flesh-colored growths that darken over time. There are cases when the rash begins to grow, forming one large growth.


See also:   Wart on a thin stalk, how to remove it?


Youth growths

It is this type that is most often found on the smooth skin of the face. Adolescents and children of primary school age are most susceptible to the formation of such skin defects. From here the second name of flat warts  – youthful. Place of localization – forehead, cheeks, chin.

Can occur when cuts, scratches caused by inept shaving or unsuccessful removal of acne. They are rounded plaques of irregular shape, slightly elevated above the surface of the skin. Coincide with skin color, sometimes have a pinkish tint.

Senile keratoses

The only species that does not have a viral etymology, resulting from age-related changes in the subcutaneous layer of the dermis. Such neoplasms affect people aged fifty to sixty-five. Often localized on the face, which causes moral discomfort. Externally, they resemble a bean on a leg or a spot with an uneven edging of a dark color.

Small villi or scales form on top of the spot, during scraping which the neoplasm begins to bleed. The danger of such growths is that melanoma is often masked as seborrheic keratosis. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor in order not to miss a cancer. Therapy of senile keratosis is a long-term event, but often unsuccessful.

Colorless or white growths

There are colorless defects that merge with the skin. These are neoplasms that do not contain melanocyte, so they are called white. Their development occurs in the same way as other types of warts. Therefore, therapy has similar stages.


If you carry out the diagnosis yourself, it is easy to confuse the wart with other skin diseases. In order not to miss oncogenic neoplasm, be sure to visit a dermatologist.

Only a specialist, after examining and prescribing additional clinical studies, can confirm or deny the diagnosis. An experienced doctor will also recommend you the most effective, fast way to remove small defects, as well as means to prevent recurrence.

Facial wart removal

A facial wart is usually a cosmetic defect that does not pose a threat to human life and health. There are cases of self-healing from growths. They are usually found in young patients. The older the patient is, the less chance he has of spontaneous disposal of the neoplasms.

However, self-healing takes time, and it is impossible to predict whether it will happen or not. In addition, moral discomfort often turns out to be worse than any pain. Therefore, the issue of treatment of growths on the face is quite acute.

You can try to remove facial tumors on your own at home. But this should be done very carefully, given the delicate skin of the face. It is much more difficult to correct the consequences of improper removal than to remove the growth itself. It is better to seek help from a dermatologist. The doctor, after examination and clinical analyzes, will make an accurate diagnosis and decide whether it is possible to remove the tumor.

Removal of tumors in a medical clinic

Armed with doctors, there are modern methods of dealing with undesirable defects:

  1. The cryodestruction methodinvolves exposing a wart to liquid nitrogen cooled to minimum values. Fast and painless way allows you to get rid of growths and not be afraid of scars. It so happens that to cope with a wart formation in one procedure fails. This is due to the inability to control the depth of freezing;
  2. Laser technique. A modern method that eliminates injury to healthy skin. Today there are two types of laser: carbon dioxide and erbium. Penetrating into the tumor tissue, the laser beam vaporizes the growth cells in a few minutes. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The ability to control the strength and depth of laser exposure allows you to display deep and old tumors. Possible small grooves that remain in place of a remote growth are equalized within seven to ten days;
  3. Electrocoagulation method. The impact of high-frequency current, closed in a loop allows you to reduce the skin defect in one application. The growth cells are burned, and a crust grows in place of the growth, which needs to be looked after. The method of electrocoagulation requires long-term rehabilitation and local anesthesia, therefore it is not suitable for children. A small scar or scar may appear;
  4. Operational method. The incision is excised using a surgical scalpel. If there are signs of malignancy of the formation or it is so deep that it is not possible to remove it using other techniques, an operation is scheduled. A noticeable scar remains at the site of the removed growth;
  5. Method of radio wave destruction. Non-invasive modern method eliminates the risk of damaging healthy skin and the development of secondary infection. Leaves no scars or scars.


See also:   Treatment of periungual warts and warts under the nail


Contraindication for the removal of warts is the period of pregnancy and lactation. Papillomavirus does not enter the general bloodstream and does not affect the development of the fetus.

Drugs for warts on the face

For those who for some reason do not want to go to a specialized clinic to get rid of unpleasant tumors, drugs are offered that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Most Popular:

  • Preparations for home cryodestruction . This is Cryopharma, Wartner. Their effect is reminiscent of freezing outgrowth with liquid nitrogen. Using the applicator, the agent is applied to the wart and left for up to twenty seconds. If the growth does not fall off within one to two weeks, the procedure can be repeated. But not more than three times. Not recommended for warts that appear during pregnancy for children under four years of age and patients with diabetes;
  • Drugs that promote necrosis of tumors . These include Fresol, Solkoderm, Verrukatsid. Cauterization growth is done carefully to prevent burns of healthy tissue. Aggressive effects of drugs due to their composition alkali and acids. Not used for children and people with sensitive skin;
  • Preparations with keratolytic effect : Kolomak, Super Cleaner, Salipod. The main component of Salipod and Kolomak is salicylic acid, the Super Cleaner is sodium and potassium hydroxide. These substances soften the growth and contribute to its rejection. When applying, you should strictly follow the instructions in order not to damage healthy skin. Before applying the product, it is recommended to treat the skin around the wart with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly.


It is not recommended to start home treatment without consulting a doctor. Aggressive components of drugs can cause irreparable harm to health with an unconfirmed diagnosis.

You can cure warts that have popped up on your face with the help of drugs in the form of an ointment or cream.

These include:

  1. Viferon. It consists of interferon (antiviral agent), peach oil and vitamins of groups E, C. When applied twice a day, the drug has a local antiviral effect, helps to reduce the wart and make the skin smooth and soft. Does not leave scars and scars, so that, shown for use on the face. The course of treatment, depending on the severity of the disease is from one to four weeks;
  2. Panavir. Available in gel form and has an antiviral effect. Stimulates the production of its own interferon, and also restores the epithelium. It is applied at least twice a day. Often prescribed in prophylactic measures before or after removal of the neoplasm;
  3. Oxolinic ointment. Prevents the penetration of the virus into epithelial cells. Softens the skin, has a mild exfoliating effect. It is applied twice a day. The course of treatment is prescribed individually by the doctor, on average it is about a month.


See also:   Warts on the fingers. How to get rid of them?


Folk methods of removing warts on the face

Folk recipes for getting rid of skin defects do not lose their popularity in our days. According to the reviews of patients, many of them managed to reduce the warts thanks to the recipes of traditional medicine.

Getting home treatment folk remedies should be remembered that:

  1. It is a long process, requiring time and patience from you;
  2. Observe the proportions indicated in the recipe, do not experiment with your health and beauty;
  3. If the wart has become red, there is pain or bleeding, immediately stop treatment and go to the doctor.

The most popular recipes of traditional medicine are based on the cauterizing properties of herbs and plants.

Recipe number 1 Celandine

Juice is squeezed out from the freshly picked stem of the plant. This juice is treated with a tumor. The procedure is carried out two or three times a day. For one treatment, two to three drops of juice are enough. Use the juice of celandine on the face should be very careful, as it can cause burns or scars.

Recipe №2 Iodine

The use of iodine in the treatment of growths on the face is associated with its necrotizing and antiseptic action. It not only successfully removes the growth, but also prevents the occurrence of a secondary infection. The advantage of iodine is its affordable price.

To get rid of the wart, use a cotton swab to gently lubricate each growth three to five times a day. For complete recovery will take from one to three weeks.

Recipe number 3 Castor oil

Everyone knows the laxative properties of ricin (castor) oil. But besides this, castorca has won its place in home cosmetology. It is obtained from the poisonous plant castor, which belongs to the euphorbia family. To get rid of toxic substances, the oil undergoes steam treatment. Thus, it loses its toxicity, retaining its healing properties: regenerating, anti-inflammatory, softening.

Applying castor oil, you can even get rid of senile keratosis. An additional advantage is the absolute harmlessness of the oil when applied externally.

Before using castorca, the tumor should be thoroughly steamed, and then wiped dry with a paper napkin. A small amount of oil in a circular motion carefully rubbed into the growth, and then cover the top with a bactericidal plaster. It is advisable to do the procedure at bedtime, and leave the plaster overnight. In the morning, the patch is removed, and the tumor is washed well under running water, removing the upper softened layer.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, castor oil is mixed with soda and applied to the growth. Put a small piece of garlic on top and fix it with a plaster.

Skeptics may be opposed to traditional treatment methods, but patient testimonies prove the effectiveness of such therapy. And the availability of household medicines becomes an additional advantage when choosing such a treatment.

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Human papillomavirus (HPV)
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